Sunday, October 14, 2012

Don't Worry Be HAPPY

"The Constitution only guarantees the American People the right to pursue happiness. YOU HAVE TO CATCH IT YOURSELF."
-Benjamin Franklin

       I just got done watching the documentary, Happy and I strongly suggest you do so as well! I have always been a firm believer that life happens to you, the good and the bad, the happy and the sad... and that you have the choice to determine how you will react and how you will let life affect you. While watching this documentary I started thinking and asking myself... "What is something that truly makes me 100% happy?"

      I feel, that most of you know me pretty well... I enjoy my family, I have a great supportive group of friends, I have a wonderful job, an abundance of food to eat, a roof over my head, transportation, etc. And while all of those things make me happy in some way I have never been more happy than I am when I am with this guy...

       As a family I don't think anyone is ever prepared to have someone with different abilities (my favorite wording) enter their life. The unknown is scary...I was 12 when Zachary was born, I was aware of what Down Syndrome was and knew that Zachary would be different for the rest of his life, but for some reason it never scared me...I had an immediate connection with Zach, one that I can't even explain. The love I have and feel for him is unlike any I have ever experienced...and I'm pretty sure he feels the same ;)! When he and I are together I feel complete. I know why God put Zachy Conner in my life and that was to give my life direction...I honestly feel everything I do in some way is for Zach. He is the person and thing that truly make me 100% happy! So, I leave you with a question...What/Whom is the thing that truly makes you happy? Have a great week!

Sunday, July 29, 2012


       Can I tell you how much I enjoy the Olympics?...I absolutely love them! I turn them on as soon as I wake up and they are the last thing I watch before going to bed! I recently uploaded the London 2012 Olympics app to my phone...obsessed. My Saturday night consisted of eating Chickfila and watching the Men's gymnastics qualifying rounds and I thought that was a heck of a night...don't feel sorry for me. Swimming, Gymnastics, Volleyball, Soccer, Cycling, Weightlifting, Diving, Archery...I watch it ALL!
       Can we talk about the cute factor at the London 2012 Olympics?...My top favorite cute athletes so far: Ryan Lochte (swimming), Sam Mikulak (gymnastics), David Boudia (diving), Jake Dalton (gymnastics), and Lolo Jones (track) is gorgeous! I now know I need to start hanging out at the local pool/gymnastics gym to meet my future boyfriend/fiance/husband...just sayin. If you notice I didn't say, Michael Phelps...He seems to be a bit of a jerk this Olympics...anyone else agree?
       Our anthem. Our flag. When a U.S. Olympian wins gold and stands on the podium watching our flag and hearing our anthem I get insane chills and a bit misty eyed..what an amazing feeling representing our country, I can't even imagine! Which brings me to my next point: is 25 too old to start working towards an Olympic dream?...Yes, you say? I mean, I could do a heck of a back handspring back in high school, I think that could qualify me as a So, plan B: my future child will be an Olympic athlete...Olympics 2032, here we come! -Which is even more why I need to meet one of the athletes listed above, minus Lolo Jones.
       I consider myself to be a bit patriotic. I am a red, white, and blue wearing proud American! I feel so blessed to live in our country, there is no where else I'd rather be! The Olympics takes my patriotism to another level...I will randomly start shouting USA USA USA and singing our national anthem as is plays. Once again, I LOVE the Olympics. Go for the gold! USA!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Last, but not Least...

20) If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and what would you eat? (Besides Jesus...nothing against him, I'd pick him too, but that's so obvious...let's think outside the box)

I've picked more than one person...frankly, I couldn't choose just one and once again, this is my blog, so really...I can do whatever I want. :)

Here's the list in no particular order:

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Kevin Durant

3. Johann Sebastian Bach

4. Johnny Cash

5. Vincent van Gogh

6. Marc Jacobs

7. Eunice Shriver

This list could go on and on, so I think I'll stop here. Now, for the food...

What would I eat? Hmmm...As much as I love food and love trying new and different things I think I would go with a classic...Bacon cheeseburger and fries (preferably from Nic's). 

I want to hear yours! Ready? Set. Go!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Dollar Dollar Bill Yall

19) Would you marry someone much richer or much poorer than you?

Simple. Yes and yes, but let's face it...I'm a teacher, there aren't many poorer than I. =)

I'm thinking of a Beatles song..."All you need is love", but I'm going to add my own line: " But I'm not an idiot!"

I realize money is important especially in today's economy and I know it's a topic to start many fights over, but as long as my future husband has goals and ambitions, a job he loves, and can provide some sort of something for our family I'd be happy...and I'd want him to expect the same thing from me!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Wish is my Command

18) If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you ask for?

I'd like world peace (the REAL kind, not the Metta kind) as much as anyone, but don't Genie's have certain rules?...remember Aladdin? So, I'm going to keep it simple. Right now my 3 wishes would be...

1. The Thunder to SWEEP the Lakers

2. More production...less stress with 7 days of school left

3. A carefree, easy going, world traveling summer (that's just 1 wish, right?!)

And yours would be?...

Monday, May 7, 2012

You're Bothering Me If...

17) Tell me five of your pet peeves?

       Wait?...What?...Just 5? I will try to narrow them down and if I think of more I will type them out, because let's face it...this is my blog and I can do whatever I want. In no particular order...

1. LOUD eating!...Smacking. I don't care if you can't control it and your eating a "loud" chip, you will get the eye roll and I will move away from you!
2. Food Judgers. You know, those people who look awkwardly at your food and proceed to ask you, "what's that?" and then make a funny face. one is shoving it down your throat, I didn't even ask you to look at it!
3. People (mostly Wal-Mart people) who yell at the top of their lungs at their children, saying the most awful things..."What are you, stupid?"....Uhhh no, but, you're about to be when I slap ya upside your head and take your kid home with me!
4. People who feel the need to put in their two cents when they have NO idea what you're talking about!...That goes along with people who feel the need to run the gossip mill!
5. People throwing cigarette butts out their window!...Hello, we live in Oklahoma, not the wetlands! Grass fires, ever heard of them? I have!

Oh, I'm sure there will be more to come later. Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Frogs & Smelling Roses

16) Are there any fears you have that you would like to get over?

I think everyone has an unusual fear...mine being frogs. Weird, I know, but I do. I'm trying to get over it, because some of them are kind of cute...but they just freak me out! Dogs bark, cats meow, frogs do nothing and just jump at you! Ahhh...

On another level, a fear I have is letting go...I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a control freak, OCD, Type A person...interesting mix, huh? I'm learning that my life doesn't have to have deadlines. The beauty of life is just living it...and I'm trying to realize that, so if you see me running around trying to meet one of my many "deadlines," stop me and tell me to smell the roses! 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Cubs, Sooners, & Thunder...Oh, My!

15) Which sports do you play or watch?

Actually play...none. Attempt...all.

I'm not the typical girl who says she likes sports, but really has no clue what she's talking about. I know my stuff and I LOVE sports!

My favorite sport would be baseball! There is nothing better than spending the day at the ball park, watching a game, and eating a hotdog. Love it! I am obsessed with the Cubs. Ernie Banks "Mr. Cub" is my all time favorite Cub! One of the top things on my bucket list is going to Wrigley, I love the history! One of my goals in life is to see them win a world series!...I believe!

In Oklahoma we take our college football seriously...BOOMER SOONER. If you have never been to an OU football game it must be one of the top things you do before you die! The tradition, the legacy, the atmosphere, the fans, the location, and not to mention the amazing talented football team. It is something everyone needs to experience!

Yay!! OKC finally has a professional sports team and could we have gotten a better one?!...Nope, they are absolutely the best...hands down (maybe I'm partial). Seriously, who would have thought in a few short years the OKC Thunder would be on top?...probably no one except Oklahomans! We love our sports and we love our teams. The KD Westbrook combo couldn't be any better if you added fries and a large drink!...THUNDER UP!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Africa #14

14) If you could take a year off an go travelling, where would it be?

I have never felt more called to go to a place than I have to go to Africa. I have never been, but am praying to take a trip in God's time. There are thousands of places I would love to visit...NYC, London, Paris, Fiji, and so on...but the place I would choose over them all would be Africa, I feel an automatic connection to the people and want to help them in any way I can. I am absolutely heart broken by things happening in Africa, but am also so humbled seeing them make the most out of what they have. I have no doubt Africa will have a major impact on my life and I can't wait to see what God has in store for me there!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Burning a Butterfly...

13) If someone gave you $1,000 and asked you to kill a butterfly by burning it alive in the flame of candle, would you do it? (Note: I found this question by "googleing" random questions, but I think it could tell a lot about a person!)

Wow! What a question, huh?!... Like I said, I cannot take credit for this question (thank the Lord). 
My answer: no, no, & no.
1. That is just cruel and a little creepy/future serial killer-ish.
2. I love butterflies.
3. My students might kill me as we just finished learning about butterflies and they LOVED them!

It's one thing to intentionally step on a spider...I mean hello, those things can bite/harm/kill you, but not a beautiful butterfly. If you answered yes to this question I don't think we can be friends any longer. 

Monday, April 9, 2012

Kiss and Tell

12) Who was the first person you ever kissed?

Mr. Chris Kincheloe
Of course I told him that he wasn't! Who wants to admit their first kiss?!...Plus I was a late bloomer or "selectively smart chooser" considering it was the 8th grade. Haha good times! He was and is a great guy and we still keep in touch!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sweet Dreams #11

11) Who is the last person you think about before falling asleep?

The question should read...Who do you NOT think about before falling asleep?, because seriously I think about a ton of people! I think about family and friends as I say my prayers and then it just grows from there. My job is a huge part of my life, I think about my student's and what I can do differently to better help them, I think about my teacher's assistants and hope I am good/easy to work with, and I start to get excited about teaching the next days lesson (lame, I know). 
I think about my sports teams, random people I've met that day, people I've yet to meet, but have already impacted my life (the people of Uganda), artists, characters on tv shows, ex-boyfriends, current crushes, then I think about my future husband and I start to plan our wedding...that one usually puts me to sleep, and last, but certainly not least, Mr. Ryan Gosling... Ahhh Sweet Dreams.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blast from the Past #10

10) Is there someone from the past you really miss and would like to locate?

That's what Facebook is for, right?... I kid, I kid.
I'm a firm believer in everything happens the way it're friends with who you're friends with now for a reason. People come and go and some people stay. I'd have to say I think it's sad that I really don't see or hangout with any of my friends from high school. Yes, I see them from time to time and yes, I keep up with them on Facebook, but it isn't the same...we all used to be so close, but life happens; I wish them nothing, but the best!

Anyone you'd like to locate?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Two Weeks to Live...

9) If you knew you had only 2 weeks to live and death was imminent what are the regrets you would have?

I bet you first thought I'd say marriage and children...Which, yes, I'd be sad about not getting the chance to experience those things, but not regret not having those things, as I'm all about timing!

My big regret would be not traveling to Africa and China, because I feel like I was put on this Earth to go to those places and help others. I guess I need to get on it...finding a way to go! I don't want to leave with any regrets!  I'm so curious to hear yours...

Monday, April 2, 2012

#8 Money Money Money

8) If you won a million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with it?

Considering I really thought this was going to happen last week I've had time to think about it!
First thing I would do: hire a lawyer and an account. Next, pay off all my bills. Then, make sure all of my family could live more than comfortably for the rest of their lives. I'd donate to charities and take a marvelous vacation. I honestly don't think I would quit my job...I know, I know, everyone says that, but I LOVE my job and I think I could be a much better teacher without any financial stress, plus my classroom would be! What's that you want kids...a water fountain of Kool-Aid?!...sure, why not? Oh, and of course I'd basically own J. Crew, Gap, and Target. 
The End.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Numero Siete

7) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?

There are 38745908375908346 causes I strongly believe in. 

One that I will share with you is the battle to eliminate the demeaning use of the R-word. This cause is so very close to my heart, not only because I am a special education teacher, but because I have a family member with special needs. If you don't know what the "R" word is let me tell you, retarded/retard...I believe in spreading the word to end the word!
The R-word hurts because it is exclusive. It’s offensive. It’s derogatory. The R-word is hate speech.

"When they were originally introduced, the terms “mental retardation” or “mentally retarded” were medical terms with a specifically clinical connotation; however, the pejorative forms, “retard” and “retarded” have been used widely in today’s society to degrade and insult people with intellectual disabilities. Additionally, when “retard” and “retarded” are used as synonyms for “dumb” or “stupid” by people without disabilities, it only reinforces painful stereotypes of people with intellectual disabilities being less valued members of humanity."

Please join me in signing the pledge to help eliminate the "R" word in everyday language!
Spread the word to end the word!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

The life of a man consists not in seeing visions and in dreaming dreams, but in active charity and in willing service.

6) Do you contribute to any charity? What is the largest amount you have ever given to any charity?

Yes, I love to give to others and help in anyway I can...$10 here $10 there. A candy bar from elementary kids, girl scout cookies, fundraiser cards for schools, etc. Last April I went to Mid-America Christian University to listen to a speaker, a young man from Uganda, Tony. Tony was with a group called Invisible Children, at that time I had never heard of Invisible Children and just in the last few months its popularity has become astronomical! I felt so moved to give to this amazing organization, who promote awareness and are fueling a movement to make a change amongst the cruel cruel people who prey on innocent people...mostly being children. I was so moved and forever changed by Invisible Children, Tony, Uganda, Africa, and the amazing people that live there! I joined their donor program and donate $25 dollars a month, it's not a lot, but I know every little bit helps! My next donation will be to WINGS, an amazing facility promoting a special needs community. What are your favorite charities?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Eunice Shriver, Wilma Moody, & Stacey Farris

5) Do you have a role model - someone you want to emulate? Whom do you admire the most?

Can it be a 3 way tie?....Well, this is my blog, so, of course it can!

In no particular order:
Eunice Shriver
Wilma Moody
Stacey Farris
All wonderfully amazing women.

1. Eunice Shriver: She paved the way for such a great movement that has helped so many people with disabilities. That movement was Special Olympics. She was so caring and so passionate for no other reason than she just simply wanted to help. I hope to share some of her qualities!

2. Wilma Moody: Wilma was known to me as Nana. My Nana was the most selfless, faithful, caring, gentle, kind, and devoted person I've ever met. Let's face it, there aren't enough great adjectives to describe her...not to mention she was the best cook/baker. I only hope to be as good of a wife/mother/nana as her someday!

3. Stacey Farris: Stacey is my mom. She and I have been partners in crime since I was born. She had me at a young age and worked hard to provide a great life for her and I, it was just the 2 of us for my first 5 years of life. She chose a great man to be my father and I am so thankful for that. My mom is one of those people who puts herself last to make sure everyone else is taken care of and happy. She is selfless, a trait I believe she inherited from her mother. She is amazing and out of this world!

Thursday, March 29, 2012


4) When you meet someone of the opposite sex, what do you first notice about them? Which are the parts of their body that you notice?

Hands. Eyes. Teeth.

Hands. I think you can tell a lot about someone by their hands. I always notice people's hands...gruffy hardworking callused hands, soft gentle woman like hands, nail bitting hands, creepy long nail hands, etc.

Eyes. Who doesn't like a good pair of eyes?! Eyes are the gateway to the soul...

Teeth. I mean, no one wants to look at a jacked up grill, yo.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012


3) Is there anyone in the world you love so much that you could give your life for them?

Yes, I have had one person in my life that has influenced me so much and has got me to where I am today. He is my world, and probably the person that understands me the most. He is not someone you'd expect, but that's the beauty of it! He is pure joy and the most amazing person I know! We could use more people like him in our world! He teaches me so much everyday!
Love you, Zachary!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


2) Are you a morning person or a night person?

Can you be both?? Well... I'd much rather sleep in then get up early, but once I am up I'm up. I'm the girl driving next to you in the morning, radio blaring, and singing along...a very carpe diem attitude! I also am somewhat of a night average bed time is about 12:00 on weeknights. I get home so late during the week and I still like to take my time and relax and do absolutely nothing...ya know like, facebook and tv, which can make the alarm clock a little extra annoying in the morning, but ya know?!

Are you a morning or a night person?...Please let me know so, I can stay away from you in the mornings...I can bring you coffee. 

Monday, March 26, 2012

1 of 20...

1) Do you enjoy your job? What would you do in life if money was not a constraint?

My job has to be the most rewarding/most challenging job out there...well, at least I think so!...those of you who don't know what I do, I am a special education teacher. I teach 10 amazing kiddos who have different ABILITIES and always keep me on my toes! Those 10 kids are 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 years old...great combo, huh? My kids may find somethings difficult, but one thing they do not find love! I'm never short on hugs, that's for sure!

We all know I don't teach because it's some great paying job!...and if money was no object I'd still be working with children/adults with special needs, just in a different way. I'd combine two passions of mine, 1. helping people with special needs and 2. fashion. I'd LOVE to develop a clothing line geared towards people with special needs. Clothes that assisted in helping people become more independent, clothes that assisted in promoting fine motor skills-- bigger buttons, for easier grasp, more fashionable items with velcro, wheelchair friendly clothing, step by step clothing...slip on shoes, that convert to velcro, that convert to shoe laces. The ideas are endless! This idea comes from having to tie about 100 shoes a day and having to unbutton/button pants, shorts, and capris at a non stop rate. Who knows, maybe someday! So, I ask you...Do you enjoy your job? What would you do in life if money was not a constraint?

Sunday, March 25, 2012

20 Questions

I think you can tell so much about a person by how they answer random questions. So, I'm going to let you get to know me a little better. I am going to list 20 questions and answer 1 question each day for the next 20 days...follow me, here?! Here it goes...
I have the questions. Do you have the answers?

1) Do you enjoy your job? What would you do in life if money was not a constraint?
2) Are you a morning person or a night person?

3) Is there anyone in the world you love so much that you could give your life for them?
4) When you meet someone of the opposite sex, what do you first notice about them? Which are the parts of their body that you notice?
5) Do you have a role model - someone you want to emulate? Whom do you admire the most?
6) Do you contribute to any charity? What is the largest amount you have ever given to any charity?
7) Are there any causes you strongly believe in?
8) If you won a million dollars in a lottery, what would you do with it?
9) If you knew you had only 2 weeks to live and death was imminent what are the regrets you would have? 
10) Is there someone from the past you really miss and would like to locate?
11) Who is the last person you think about before falling asleep?
12) Who was the first person you ever kissed?
13) If someone gave you $1,000 and asked you to kill a butterfly by burning it alive in the flame of candle, would you do it? (Note: I found this question by "googleing" random questions, but I think it could tell a lot about a person!)
14) If you could take a year off an go travelling, where would it be?
15) Which sports do you play or watch?
16) Are there any fears you have that you would like to get over?
17) Tell me five of your pet peeves?
18) If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you ask for?
19) Would you marry someone much richer or much poorer than you?
20) If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and what would you eat?

Look for question #1 tomorrow! I know you will all be waiting in anticipation! Good night, world.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Wonderful World of Dating

For me and my single friends (let's face it there's only about 3 of them left) the dating world is a very bizarre place and dating itself is just plain awkward! 

       First there's the classic set up. How many times have I heard, "Oh, you'd be perfect for ______! "<---- insert name of brother, cousin, co-worker, etc. here....only to find out you're not so perfect for each other and end up spending the majority of the date trying to find some excuse to leave or giving them a BIG hint that there won't be a second one. 
       Then you meet someone who you think you have a lot in common with and then realize people just lie in order to impress you. I may be alone on this one, but I always have a problem going on a first date because I'm slightly paranoid and spend the date wondering if the person is a serial killer, closet hoarder, or satan can usually eliminate 2 of the 3 by date #3.
       I absolutely HATE awkward silence, which you experience a lot during those first few dates. What do you talk about? What kind of questions do you ask? I tend to say the same thing over and over when I am slightly nervous, like saying, "Oh, that's neat" or "yeah" or "Really? Wow!" when responding to someone's stories. I never know what questions to ask...What is too personal? What if you offend them by asking about religion or politics?...I know, I know what you're saying right now, "Never ever talk about politics and religion!" BUT I want to know that we have the same religious views or the date is kind of pointless (one of my must haves on my "Ideal Guy" list). So, here's what I want to know from you...what was your favorite first date?...location and activity wise. What are some good questions to ask on a date to find out if you will be interested in a second? The typical questions are so routine and boring, what are some other ways to find out the basics about someone? Let's get both female and male responses...c'mon help me and my single friends out, I gotta find someone before the other 3 do. 

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's Just Hair, Right?

       I've always had medium to long hair and I've always said when I get brave enough I want to just chop it off. I've always been a "ponytail gal"...99.9% of the time my hair is thrown on top of my head in a messy bun (something you can't do with short hair), so maybe it is time for a change?! Then there is the guy aspect...I have always heard guys like long hair best, true?? Hmmm... who cares about those guys anyway. :)
       Then, what if it just looks terribly awful? It's not like my hair grows very fast, so I'd be stuck with it for awhile! Maybe I don't have the face for short hair or maybe I do?! Or maybe I don't give a rip about any of the above and I'm just going to do it! So, I'll leave you with this... Hmmm.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Beautiful Quarter Life Crisis

Happy Birthday to me! I am officially 25...well, at 7:22pm. 
       When I was 18 I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish at certain ages...Silly me, don't we all know the easiest way to make God laugh is tell him YOUR plans! Well, I was suppose to be engaged at 22, married at 23, and having my first kid at 25, ummm... well, none of that has happened and I can say that I'm perfectly happy where I am at 25. This past year I feel like I have really found myself, I have found  things I am passionate about and figured out that I am just happy to be living life. You never know where life and God may take you...but I intend to enjoy every minute of it! At 25 my life is definetly not the way I planned it out to be, but I wouldn't change a thing...God has blessed me so greatly. Who knows where I will be next year, but I can't wait to experience the journey to get there! Here's to 25 more  amazing years. Cheers!

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Are you my type?

Don't hold it against me...I've been busy, but here goes nothin'!

Where does a single gal go to meet a nice guy this day and age?!...

Work? Well, unless I want to date my 40ish year old custodian, that's not going to happen. (No offense, Mr. Tony, you're a wonderful guy!)
A bar? Uhhh no thanks! Have you seen the guys at bars lately?...Not looking for a Jersey Shore wanna be, Affliction wearing guy...or an alcoholic. Guys, those shirts are not cool!
 Online?...Eh, I just can't do that yet. If I reach 30 and this is still happening I'll consider it!
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Church is next on my list.

I recently had a friend ask me, "What is your type of guy?" Ummm...well, let me see here...
 Godly, good morals and values (but can still have a glass of wine and say more than shoot and darn it), family oriented, funny, kid friendly (hello, I'm a teacher), spontaneous, selfless, giving, great cook, muscle car liking, snowboarding, jcrew wearing, scruffy faced, tall, understanding, trusting, pretty eyed, travel seeking, goal achieving, dream having, classy kind of guy. That's all.
Shouldn't be hard to find, right?! All applicants can apply via Facebook. Goodnight all.