Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm 24 and single. I'm okay with it...why aren't you?

So, here lately it seems that everyone is obsessed with my single status. Why?
Yes, most people around my age are married, engaged, in a serious relationship, having children, etc... and that is great, but that is not for me at this moment. I'm not saying I don't ever want to be a wife and mother, I do...eventually! I hate feeling that at 24 I have to explain to people why I am not married or "settled down".
Everyone seems to feel the need to set me up with someone these days...their brother, neighbor, nephew, co-worker's son, fellow church member, and the list goes on and on...which means there have been some encounters with some real weirdos, but hey, thanks for trying! I get it... everyone wants to see me happy, but guess what?!...I am happy! You have to be happy with yourself before you can be happy with someone else, right?!...(Sheesh, I sure hope so!)

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Beginning

Hello All! I'm new to the blogging world, so bare with me. Everyone always tells me that I need to blog, because they think I'm quite funny, have interesting stories, and have a lot of "Shanda-isms"...I think they laugh out of pity, are forced to listen, and make up the word: Shanda-ism, because they have no idea what I'm talking about, but here it goes...

First allow myself to introduce myself:
The name is Shanda, if you don't already know. I have been on this earth 24 years and it has been quite great! I am a special education teacher (the source of my many "funny" stories), I consider it to be the best job ever...when you love what you do is it ever work? When I tell people what I do they always seem to say, "Wow! I don't know how you do that!" (with a puzzled slightly scared look on their face). I don't know how people sit at a desk all day...to each is own. My days consist of snot, a little poop, and a whole bunch of love...doesn't get any better than that!

I graduated college in Dec. of 2010 and moved back in with the parents; a move that I thought was going to be torturous, but has turned out to be quite wonderful. My parents built a new house in November...quite an amazing house, so in a way I'd be a fool not to live with them, right?! At 24 I'm starting to get a little embarrassed when somebody asks the question, "where do you live?" and I quietly say, "ummm... with my parents." I can't imagine what the 40 year old guy living with his mother must feel like.

Currently I am:

  • on summer break, which makes me feel 10 again, but I'm totally okay with that! A lot of people think teachers are so lucky to have summers off and that our jobs are fairly easy because of that...I say, you have no idea what you are talking about and my summers off are all the comp time I've earned throughout the school year. It's amazing how many hours after school and weekends I spend in my classroom...some would call it having no life, I may agree.
  • single. Yes, I am 24 and single...no marriage or kids here, which everyone else seems quite shocked about, but we'll save that for another post.
  • enjoying my summer! So far, I have been to Las Vegas and have read some great books. I recommend "The Hunger Games" and "Heaven is for Real".  

Hope all is going well for you! Thanks for wasting a few minutes out of your day to read my words. Stay tuned for more to come.