Monday, May 21, 2012

Dollar Dollar Bill Yall

19) Would you marry someone much richer or much poorer than you?

Simple. Yes and yes, but let's face it...I'm a teacher, there aren't many poorer than I. =)

I'm thinking of a Beatles song..."All you need is love", but I'm going to add my own line: " But I'm not an idiot!"

I realize money is important especially in today's economy and I know it's a topic to start many fights over, but as long as my future husband has goals and ambitions, a job he loves, and can provide some sort of something for our family I'd be happy...and I'd want him to expect the same thing from me!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Your Wish is my Command

18) If a genie granted you 3 wishes, what would you ask for?

I'd like world peace (the REAL kind, not the Metta kind) as much as anyone, but don't Genie's have certain rules?...remember Aladdin? So, I'm going to keep it simple. Right now my 3 wishes would be...

1. The Thunder to SWEEP the Lakers

2. More production...less stress with 7 days of school left

3. A carefree, easy going, world traveling summer (that's just 1 wish, right?!)

And yours would be?...

Monday, May 7, 2012

You're Bothering Me If...

17) Tell me five of your pet peeves?

       Wait?...What?...Just 5? I will try to narrow them down and if I think of more I will type them out, because let's face it...this is my blog and I can do whatever I want. In no particular order...

1. LOUD eating!...Smacking. I don't care if you can't control it and your eating a "loud" chip, you will get the eye roll and I will move away from you!
2. Food Judgers. You know, those people who look awkwardly at your food and proceed to ask you, "what's that?" and then make a funny face. one is shoving it down your throat, I didn't even ask you to look at it!
3. People (mostly Wal-Mart people) who yell at the top of their lungs at their children, saying the most awful things..."What are you, stupid?"....Uhhh no, but, you're about to be when I slap ya upside your head and take your kid home with me!
4. People who feel the need to put in their two cents when they have NO idea what you're talking about!...That goes along with people who feel the need to run the gossip mill!
5. People throwing cigarette butts out their window!...Hello, we live in Oklahoma, not the wetlands! Grass fires, ever heard of them? I have!

Oh, I'm sure there will be more to come later. Stay tuned!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Frogs & Smelling Roses

16) Are there any fears you have that you would like to get over?

I think everyone has an unusual fear...mine being frogs. Weird, I know, but I do. I'm trying to get over it, because some of them are kind of cute...but they just freak me out! Dogs bark, cats meow, frogs do nothing and just jump at you! Ahhh...

On another level, a fear I have is letting go...I'll admit it, I'm a bit of a control freak, OCD, Type A person...interesting mix, huh? I'm learning that my life doesn't have to have deadlines. The beauty of life is just living it...and I'm trying to realize that, so if you see me running around trying to meet one of my many "deadlines," stop me and tell me to smell the roses!