Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A Quick Update

Life has been a bit crazy as of late...

You'll be happy to know (hopefully) that the removal of my wisdom teeth was a slightly painful success...I am excited to say I am now eating chips and drinking diet dr. pepper.

The 2011-2012 school year started! I am teaching special ed kindergarten this year...or as I like to call it "Special K", cute huh?!...2 words come to mind, blessed and exhausted! I am so blessed that these 8 kids and their families let me be their teacher. These kids make me so happy everyday (don't hold me to that, if I'm changing a pull-up or wiping snot... my thought may be slightly different). I've been wanting to crawl into bed at 6:00 these past few days and I'm thinking that it's probably a result of doing nothing for 2 1/2 months...note to self: next summer- be more productive!

And as always I'm on the search for the perfect outfit, bacon cheeseburger, and guy...not particularly in that order.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Eats

I'd love to be a size 2, I'd also love to marry Ryan Gosling...not going to happen.

       I've always thought my love for food was a little absurd. I mean, I get excited about good food...that's not normal right?! I'm always on the search for the perfect cheeseburger or the best slice of pizza...it's a fun journey, want to join? 
       This week my love for good food has become stronger. Why, you may ask?... because I cant have any of it!! I got the good ole wisdom teeth out (all 4). The pain I can handle, the room temperature mashed potatoes and mac and cheese, I cannot. The thought crossed my mind to put a bacon cheeseburger in the blender today...don't judge me. 

       Planning my first good meal is in full effect. Which leads to the question...What is your favorite food and where do you get it? I'm talking about the kind of food you can't live without, the food you would want if you were about to visit the electric chair (I mean, that's how it always is in the movies).  Don't disappoint me with your answers...your good food is all I've got to keep me going for a few weeks! Until then I shall dream about this...

Nic's Grill, best cheeseburgers around! Happy Eats, my friends...Happy Eats!