Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sweet Dreams #11

11) Who is the last person you think about before falling asleep?

The question should read...Who do you NOT think about before falling asleep?, because seriously I think about a ton of people! I think about family and friends as I say my prayers and then it just grows from there. My job is a huge part of my life, I think about my student's and what I can do differently to better help them, I think about my teacher's assistants and hope I am good/easy to work with, and I start to get excited about teaching the next days lesson (lame, I know). 
I think about my sports teams, random people I've met that day, people I've yet to meet, but have already impacted my life (the people of Uganda), artists, characters on tv shows, ex-boyfriends, current crushes, then I think about my future husband and I start to plan our wedding...that one usually puts me to sleep, and last, but certainly not least, Mr. Ryan Gosling... Ahhh Sweet Dreams.

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