Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My Beautiful Quarter Life Crisis

Happy Birthday to me! I am officially 25...well, at 7:22pm. 
       When I was 18 I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish at certain ages...Silly me, don't we all know the easiest way to make God laugh is tell him YOUR plans! Well, I was suppose to be engaged at 22, married at 23, and having my first kid at 25, ummm... well, none of that has happened and I can say that I'm perfectly happy where I am at 25. This past year I feel like I have really found myself, I have found  things I am passionate about and figured out that I am just happy to be living life. You never know where life and God may take you...but I intend to enjoy every minute of it! At 25 my life is definetly not the way I planned it out to be, but I wouldn't change a thing...God has blessed me so greatly. Who knows where I will be next year, but I can't wait to experience the journey to get there! Here's to 25 more  amazing years. Cheers!

1 comment:

  1. Happy Birthday Shan. Love your bday post. Im so glad you're happy and content with your life. Its really sad when people aren't. And yes...here's to another 25 years, or in my case almost 28! lol Love ya
