Happy Birthday to me! I am officially 25...well, at 7:22pm.
When I was 18 I made a list of things I wanted to accomplish at certain ages...Silly me, don't we all know the easiest way to make God laugh is tell him YOUR plans! Well, I was suppose to be engaged at 22, married at 23, and having my first kid at 25, ummm... well, none of that has happened and I can say that I'm perfectly happy where I am at 25. This past year I feel like I have really found myself, I have found things I am passionate about and figured out that I am just happy to be living life. You never know where life and God may take you...but I intend to enjoy every minute of it! At 25 my life is definetly not the way I planned it out to be, but I wouldn't change a thing...God has blessed me so greatly. Who knows where I will be next year, but I can't wait to experience the journey to get there! Here's to 25 more amazing years. Cheers!