Monday, June 4, 2012

Last, but not Least...

20) If you could have dinner with anyone dead or alive who would it be and what would you eat? (Besides Jesus...nothing against him, I'd pick him too, but that's so obvious...let's think outside the box)

I've picked more than one person...frankly, I couldn't choose just one and once again, this is my blog, so really...I can do whatever I want. :)

Here's the list in no particular order:

1. Abraham Lincoln

2. Kevin Durant

3. Johann Sebastian Bach

4. Johnny Cash

5. Vincent van Gogh

6. Marc Jacobs

7. Eunice Shriver

This list could go on and on, so I think I'll stop here. Now, for the food...

What would I eat? Hmmm...As much as I love food and love trying new and different things I think I would go with a classic...Bacon cheeseburger and fries (preferably from Nic's). 

I want to hear yours! Ready? Set. Go!